Category: Articles of Faith
This subsection explains the six articles of faith in the religion of Islam.
Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (3)
The film accused the Prophet of using religion to serve his purposes when he married Zaynab bint Jahsh, the divorcee of his adopted son Zayd ib Harithah. Watch this program, produced by Huda TV, to
I Love the Prophet
Measuring your real love for the Prophet, the Companions are the very mode; no one can show you the way as they do. See how…
Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (1)
Innocence of Muslims accuses the Prophet of pedophilia because he married a nine-year old girl. Here is the Muslims’ take on this issue. The website hosts Dr. Bilal Philips to a
Islam is Not Merely Ideas
How come my inner beliefs are not enough to make me a Muslim? In Islam belief and conduct on the ground are the two sides of the whole Muslim where there is no lines…
Insulting the Prophet: Is It Freedom of Speech?
Is insulting back those who insulted our Prophet the way to measure and show how you love for him? To know how a Muslim should react to insults concerning any prophet look back at the life of all t
Du`aa’: the Essence of Worship
To measure your distance from God, check over your du`aa’. But before that, what do you know about du`aa’?
Prophethood in Islam
What is a prophet in Islam? How does the Qur’an refer to the prophets; are they humans or super humans? What distinguishes them from other people?
A Well-Balanced Life after Conversion
New to Islam and feel overloaded with too many things to do? Don’t know whether to look forward or all banish the past …still ask ‘but how’?
Death Is Not the End
Do you think about death? Should we? When one avoids talking about death what does this indicate? What should be the attitude of a believer towards it?
Converting to Islam and the Real Meaning of Life
After becoming a Muslim, the whole life is no more the same. How? What implications does becoming a Muslim have? In what sense does believing in one Merciful God affect me, my perception of the who