Category: Conversion Stories
In this section, new Muslims share their stories of conversion to Islam.
Dr. Jeffrey Lang Tells His Amazing Story of Conversion to Islam
This is a very amazing story of Dr. Jeffrey Lang in which he tells his experience with the Gracious Quran and how he converted to Islam.
A Former Priest’s Journey to Islam
This is an amazing story of how the writer, Idris Tawfiq, a former priest, converted to Islam finding in it true happiness and tranquility.
New Zealand Rugby Player Ofa Tu’ungafasi Converts to Islam
New Zealand’s All Blacks rugby team player Ofa Tu’ungafasi has reverted to Islam and said the Shahadah, How has he converted?
My Journey to Islam: I Finally Found the Answer
Yusuf Chambers is a Muslim convert from Britain. He was a Catholic. Yusuf have been a Muslim for more than 27 years now. He never thought of being Muslim.
From Buddhism To Islam: Why??
Learn how and why this Chinese Buddhist successful young woman left Buddhism and embraced Islam. What did she find in Islam?
From a Former Opera Singer to Islam
Brother `Abdul-nur, a former opera singer, has converted to Islam. How did he accept Islam, and why? How is his life as a Muslim twenty years now?
My Journey to Islam: Islam Made Me a New Person
Watch sister Ala talks about her journey to Islam and what a kind of person she was before Islam and how Islam changed her into a totally different person….
My Journey to Islam: From Bad Boy to Finding True Meaning of Life
My name is `Ali. I am 22 years old. I am from Sweden. I’ve been a Muslim now for 11 months. I was born a town called Gothenburg.
How Aliza Kim Embraced Islam (Part 5)
Finding Him by Aliza Kim is a vlog series revolving around the journey of Aliza’s reversion to Islam. Here’s her fifth episode Body & Soul Purification…
Popular Irish Singer, Sinead O’Connor, Has “Proudly” Converted to Islam
Popular Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor, has left Catholicism and converted to Islam, changing her name to Shuhada. Now she has new religion and new name: