Category: New Muslims
Instagramadan 16: The Appetite of Backbiting
Just like we have appetites for food and drink, our tradition teaches us that the soul actually has a bad appetite for backbiting other people - in part because it allows us to focus on problems other
Instagramadan 15: Our Sins & Allah’s Forgiveness
In Surat Az-Zumar, Allah calls upon us in a very unique way - not by our belief, but by our mistakes and sins - and then endearingly reminds us of such a beautiful truth: that every sin that anyone ha
Ramadan Exclusive: Verses in Context
The Qur’an is very sensitive to context, both historical and textual. Unlike the common understanding, Allah does not write off all disbelievers in the sixth verse of Surat Al-Baqarah. He refers to sp ...
Instagramadan 14: Symptoms of Envy & How to Treat It
When we talk about the dangers of envy, we typically speak about the dangers impacting the one being envied. What about the one who is envying somebody else? What are some hidden symptoms?
Instagramadan 11: Looking Down on Others
The disease of the heart known as arrogance (kibr) is no joke. Watch this episode to see how we can work to cure ourselves this Ramadan, through a beautiful hadith highlighting what I call “spiritual ...
Ramadan Exclusive: Giving Charity to Allah
Everything we have belongs to Allah, so when we give charity, we are actually giving back to Allah what He has gifted us. It is the intention and sacrifice behind the sadaqa
Instagramadan 12: What We Love Will Leave Us
At the end of our lives, though, he says everything we devoted ourselves to chasing will leave us. Except for these.
Instagramadan 13: What Does Allah’s Mercy Feel Like?
Do you feel the difference between day 1 and day 10 of Ramadan? Watch this one-minute clip to find out what does Allah’s mercy feel like...
Capture the Spirit of Ramadan
Learn how to Capture the Spirit of Ramadan, the meaning of fasting, goals of fasting, and the two joys for the fasting person through ...
Instagramadan 3: The Power of Sacrifice at Sahur Time
Do you ask Allah for what you really want? What can sahur this Ramadan teach us about knowing if we truly want something?