Category: New Muslims

New Muslim Guide

New Muslim Guide

Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him alone, are truly free and able to fill the void in your life; to …
Prophetic Missions: Same Purpose & Shared Responsibilities (Part 2)

Prophetic Missions: Same Purpose & Shared Responsibilities (Part 2)

Throughout the history of mankind, God’s prophets all came to their people with a very purpose and shared concerns and responsibilities. What is the true mission of such men? What did they face?
Islam, Muslims, and the One God

Islam, Muslims, and the One God

It seems, to some, that all Muslims are Arabs and the non-Arab are ’different’ Muslims; that the history of Islam is simply that of Arabs. How are they related to each other? What do the followers ...
What Does Move People towards Islam?

What Does Move People towards Islam?

What does make a person choose Islam? What is their acceptance of Islam as the ultimate truth based on? Is it a matter of divine inspiration or of logic and intellect? How do they find the light of
For Valid Acts of Worship

For Valid Acts of Worship

Why are we obliged to worship God? How do we properly meet such obligation? What guarantees a valid act of worship?
A God, A Place,  and A Prophet

A God, A Place, and A Prophet

Of all God’s Prophets Abraham was the deep and exemplary expression of the Muslim: demonstrating the twofold meaning of “peace” and “wholehearted self-giving”. Learn how…
A New Muslim and a True Change of Heart

A New Muslim and a True Change of Heart

Can just the uttering of verbal pledge transform one from kufr to iman, or guarantee a change of heart, thoughts or behavior? If not, how then does one’s heart get the message of Islam?
The Fifth Pillar of Islam: Hajj

The Fifth Pillar of Islam: Hajj

If not a visit to the shrines of saints, to monasteries for help from holy men, or to sights where miracles are supposed to have occurred, what Hajj is all about? Why do Muslims do this Pilgrimage
Why Are Hispanics Embracing Islam – The Story of Daniel Hernandez

Why Are Hispanics Embracing Islam – The Story of Daniel Hernandez

A story about a Latino Puerto rican who went from being a gang member and living the street life and then losing his close friends by the same gang and this making him think really hard about life
A Christian Minister’s Conversion to Islam Dr.Jerald Dirks – Part 1

A Christian Minister’s Conversion to Islam Dr.Jerald Dirks – Part 1

Dr. Jerald F. Dirks Former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist Church. He holds a Master’s degree in Divinity from Harvard University and a Doctorate in Psychology from the University o