Category: New Muslims
What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship?
Worship is obligatory upon every Muslim who is mentally sane and has reached the age of puberty. What are the individual and social effects of worship?
The Five Pillars of Islam
Learn about the main and central obligations upon which the whole religion of Islam is established- the general duties that regulate a Muslim’s relationship with Allah, Prophet Muhammad and worldly d ...
Approaching Ramadan
As we eagerly anticipate the beginning of the Blessed Month of Ramadan, the staff of Zaytuna Institute wishes all of our volunteers, friends, and supporters an accepted and purifying fast.
The Faith Revival: Upcoming Ramadan Series with Omar Suleiman
This Ramadan, you have a true chance to revive your faith. Join Sh. Omar Suleiman each day as he covers different verses, duaa`s (supplication), hadiths, and sayings on protecting, renewing, and stren
Ramadan in the Prophetic Sunnah
Learn about the virtuous month of Ramadan, its goodness, and unmatched blessings from the Prophet’s Sunnah and make best use of and get ready for the Holly Month…
Three Top Tips to Prepare for Ramadan
If you want to improve yourself, get closer to Allah, develop your relationship with Him and with others, the time has almost come. Sheikh Ahmad Saad is sending a message to us to prepare for the mont
How to Perform Wudu’
No prayer is accepted without purification, as the Prophet said. So How should one perform wudu’ (ablution) properly according to the Sunnah?
Worship, Humanity and Individual Liberties
What is the significance of worship? What are its benefits? What does worship mean? Does it compromise individual liberties? Why do we need to worship God?
The Five Pillars of Islam: Their Meaning and Priority
What are the Five Pillars of Islam and what is the origin of this expression? Which comes first, and why? Are they all what Islam is about? In other words, do I need anything beside them to be Muslim
The Five Pillars of Islam: Their Meaning & Priority
What are the Five Pillars of Islam and what is the origin of this expression? Which comes first, and why? Are they all what Islam is about? In other words, do I need anything beside them to be Muslim