Category: New Muslims
Hajj & the Spiritual Homeland of Every Muslim
Why do Muslims make pilgrimage to Makkah? What is the significance of some of the rituals performed during it?
Hajj… Here I Am at Your Service God
In the midst of the boisterous commotion of life, and people running after their long and short-term goals, are people who free themselves and travel to answer the call of God. (Brochure)
Why Should I Fast `Ashura’?
What is special about the day of `Ashura’? What is the significance of fasting on that day? In the video Sheikh Waleed Basyouni provides answers to these questions, reflecting on this hadith … ...
How to Wake up before Fajr Prayer Every Day
Do you have a trouble getting up for the Fair Prayer? What about getting up even earlier than the Prayer time, energized every day? Here are achievable tips…
Performing `Umrah… Quick and Simplified `Umrah Rites
Whether youare going to perform `Umrah or just want to learn about this splendid journey, here is a quick simplified presentation to take you through the steps of performing `Umrah …
About Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam
Why is Prayer the second pillar of Islam? Performed five times a day, is it a kind of ritual or worship? Learn how to pray, learn how to worship God…
Make This Ramadan Your Best Ramadan Ever
How much have you achieved in Ramadan so far? What were your goals for the month? Do you stick to your plans? You still have the chance to make the most out of it…
Funeral Prayer in Islam (Salat Al-Janazah)
What do you know about the Funeral prayer? What is the reward of performing funeral prayer? How could you perform it in a practical way? What are the conditions of performing it? What is the prophe
Ramadan: Ready for the Blessings?
When was the last time you really felt the nearness of God? Even with a mountain of sins, mistakes, Ramadan is here! Get ready, the very time to make a complete change has come. How?
A New Muslim’s Life-changing Ramadan
Tracy, a former Catholic, converted to Islam last August. Here’s what she feels about her first Ramadan. How does she see fasting? What does it teach her?