Category: New Muslims
The Secret of Fasting in Ramadan
Fasting is not purely intended for deprivation of food and drink and lawful sexual relations. In fact, fasting serves other purposes as well, such as uplifting the spirit of a fasting believer and
The Prophet in Ramadan
It was Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) who made us raise our eyes from the dust beneath to view the glory of the starry heavens above. It was Muhammad who led us from the depths o
Ramadan Health Guide
This booklet is aimed at helping you understand the health issues related to fasting, so that you are able to make more informed choices, minimise complications and maximise the benefit of your fas
Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer
I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawih prayer. What should I do? I also read the Qur’an in Arabic, but I do not understand it. Can I continue rea
Fasting From One’s Desires
While Muslims all over the world wait eagerly for the yearly coming of Ramadan, yet, harder still is to fast from one’s vain desires and bad habits.
All About Ramadan (1436/2015)
In this Special Folder (All About Ramadan), we will focus on fasting and its related issues.
Get Prepared for the Lifetime Journey
Have you prepared for your Hajj journey? How do you practically? What do you need to know about the lifetime journey? What should you take with you? How do you behave?
Hajj Guide on Google Maps
As part of its comprehensive coverage of the holy annual event, E-Da`wah Committee presents this brief guide to Hajj on Google Maps to make it easy for those who intend to perform this holy ritual.
Places of Ihram (Miqat) Map
There are five particular places appointed for entering the state of ihram, which is a basic condition for the validity of hajj.
Instagramadan 5: Are You & Allah Close Friends?
Reflect for a moment on what makes you and your closest friends closer than other people. Often times you’ll realize it’s the amount and quality of time you spend with each other.