Category: New Muslims
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 21: Surat Al-`Alaq
In his introductory comments to a more detailed interpretation of Surat Al-`Alaq, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan stresses the importance of understanding the context in which its verses were revealed.
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 18: Surat Ad-Duha
Explaining the context of Surat Ad-Duha, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan says that according to several narrations, the surah came down at a moment of sadness in Prophet Muhammad’s life when no Qur
The Faith Revival (21): They Don’t Believe Until…
How do we get to the point where we can taste the sweetness of faith? The journey involves humbling oneself and submitting fully to Allah.
The Faith Revival (19): Faith in Hardship
The firm belief that what has come to you is decreed by Allah (Exalted be He) can keep you steadfast during times of hardship.
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 19: Surat Ash-Sharh
Surat Ash-Sharh is one of only four surahs in the Qur’an that address Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exclusively. Here Allah consoles His beloved messenger by
The Faith Revival (20): Sweetness of Faith
Once you’ve tasted the sweetness of faith in your heart, you will do anything to protect it. Learn more….
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 20: Surat At-Tin
In this video Nouman Khan focuses on verses 4-6 of Surat At-Tin. as they follow the opening oaths where Allah reminds us of Prophets `Isa, Moses and Muhammad…
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 17: Surat Al-Layl
Following the opening three oaths that compare night and day to the attributes of men and women in Surat Al-Layl, Allah transitions to the central theme of the surah.
The Faith Revival (18): Envy and Faith
Envy and stinginess cannot coexist with faith in the heart. Guard your iman by disconnecting yourself from the love of this world and taking advantage of opportunities to be generous.
The Faith Revival (16): Two Hungry Wolves
What are the biggest threats to our faith and how can we overcome them? The answer is in today's episode "The Faith Revival (16): Two Hungry Wolves".