Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (5)

Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (5)
Watch what Karen Armstrong, best-selling British author and founder of the Charter for Compassion, says about compassion in the Qur’an. This compassion was most exemplified in the Prophet Muh

Innocence of Muslims, a 14-minute clip, shows the Prophet Muhammad as a homosexual who endorses extramarital sex and pedophilia. Muhammad’s followers are portrayed as savage killers hungry for wealth and bent on killing women and children.

Before delving into the Muslims’ take on the issues raised in the film, it should be remembered that all the misconceptions contained in the film are based on wrong information and there is no single reference in the Islamic literature to support them.

Let’s agree also that Islam condemns all the acts of violence that are made under the name of Islam and under the excuse of defending the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Islam is about peace, tolerance, justice, and love.

In this series of videos, the Electronic Da`wah Committee in Kuwait, will try to address some of the issues raised in this movie.

(5) The Prophet Muhammad’s Compassion

Watch what Karen Armstrong, best-selling British author and founder of the Charter for Compassion, says about compassion in the Qur’an. This compassion was most exemplified in the Prophet Muhammad’s life. This clip is part of CelebrateMercy webcast.
